Creo cad
Creo cad

creo cad creo cad

Some of the current Creo APIs are fairly limited: the current VB API is limited only to asynchronous mode and fairly limited set of commands. The VBA macros help documentation should be easy to access and easy to understand with lots of example code.If Creo would have an official way to share VBA code/add-ins with the Creo community, PTC would also get good ideas for future Creo improvements.With VBA turned on by default, users could easily share code with each other or create YouTube videos to share with each other. VBA works great with Excel and should allow user to drive Excel or Excel to drive Creo.VBA doesn't require users to compile code and users wouldn't have to buy/install software like Visual Studio. Use the free VBA Editor to easily edit the VBA code directly from Creo and easily create GUI forms/menus.This is often a great starting point for users. The ability to record Creo button clicks into VBA code.Many Creo users don't have permissions to install software on their computers or create system variables. Most of the current Creo APIs require installing the APIs and turning on lots of different settings so new users struggle simply getting the API turned on. VBA Macros within Creo would be installed and ready to use by default in all versions of Creo.Solidworks and Inventor (and probably other 3D CAD software) have VBA Macros that let their users solve many of their own problems without needing IT. The problem with many/all of the existing Creo APIs is that they usually require IT help in trying to program Creo and IT usually knows very little about CAD. However they are limited as they don't offer more advanced tools like If-Then statements, variables, custom GUI's, etc. Mapkeys are pretty very useful to script many simple things in Creo.

Creo cad